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Fall 2000 – Report to CAUT Council

Fall 2000 – Report to CAUT Council

Things had been rather quiet since my last report to Council (April 2000), until the Annual General Meeting of the Board of Trustees, which took place in Halifax on October 14, 2000. Several resolutions were approved at that meeting, which are worth reporting here.

The amount of strike benefits has been increased from $40.00 per calendar day to $50.00 per calendar day, beginning on the eighth (8th) day that the member association is engaged in a strike or lock-out times the number of dues-paying persons in the bargaining unit(s). As a reminder, strike pay is not taxable income (Supreme Court of Canada 1990 - Revenue Canada's Interpretation Bulletin 334R2, February 21,1992, item 12).

Increases were also approved in the allowable expenses, as follows:

  • car allowance, from $.30 per kilometre to $.385 per kilometre.
  • meals allowance, from $8.00 to $10.00 for breakfast, from $12.00 to $15.00 for lunch, and from $25.00 to $35.00 for dinner. Incidentals remained at $15.00.

Trustees were very pleased to hear that the executive of the Regina University Faculty Association has unanimously approved joining the Fund. The question will be taken to the general membership for a vote in November.

The Board of Trustees approved Gord Piché's initiative of having a logo for the Defence Fund, to enhance the Fund's visibility, especially when we plan on using million dollar larger-than-life cheques for media events during strikes. However, a decision could not be made as to which of the proposals was most acceptable, and the CAUT graphic artist will prepare additional suggestions. The new logo will be chosen next October.

A year ago, the Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa (APUO) had indicated their desire to revisit the issue of capping the Fund. Many meetings and much discussion took place since last October and the item was put on this year's agenda, with a formal proposal from APUO and a response and a recommendation against the proposal from the CAUT Defence Fund Policy and Planning Committee. After a long discussion, APUO's proposal was unanimously rejected by the Board, as all Trustees shared the opinion that the Fund was not anywhere near what can be considered a safe size, given the current climate in universities and the unprecedented and unpredicted number of long, bitter strikes in recent years.

Net assets of the Defence Fund at year's end (May 31, 2000) totalled a little over $11 million. The Fund has currently 29 member associations representing over 12,000 faculty across Canada. There are currently seven faculty associations eligible to join the Fund, and given the type of political climate and the aggressiveness of management that has been experienced across Canada in recent years, we hope that these associations will see the benefits of belonging to a strong, reliable, powerful defence fund.

Just as we thought that the Defence Fund would enjoy a six-month period without being called upon, Trustees heard from Trustee Bill Schrank about the current difficulties at Memorial University. The Board approved strike benefits, a line of credit of one million dollars, a loan to cover insured benefits, as well as further support in the form of solidarity visits from Defence Fund member associations is case of strike action at the Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association (MUNFA). Although MUNFA members hope that, following the positive strike vote (61%) that took place on October 20, there will be "a rough week of intensive bargaining but no strike, [they] believe that [their] position has been suddenly converted to one of considerable strength" (Bill Schrank).

The Trustees re-elected Bill Schrank (Memorial) as Treasurer of the Fund, Alex Kondra (Acadia) as Chair of the Membership Committee, and Karen Zoppa (Winnipeg) as Chair of the Policy and Planning Committee, and elected Dennis Felbel (Manitoba) as Chair of the Investment Committee. Ben Meyer (Windsor), who chaired this committee for many years and who will retire this year, was thanked for his many years of good work with the Defence Fund. I was re-elected Chair of the Defence Fund.

As always, I am very grateful for the assistance and support I receive from the CAUT staff, as well as for their continuing efficient work in the administration of the Defence Fund.

Respectfully submitted,

Denise Nevo
Chair, CAUT Defence Fund
October 22, 2000